News and events

News and events

The TMKM website has for long needed a place for posting news and events, and from May 2024 this is the new space for this. For older events, these will gradually be added to the website. Madsen is also currently working on a website dedicated to their doctoral research to soon be launched (watch this space for its release later in 2024).

Activities June-September 2024

Here you will find a list of upcoming event and activities for Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen.

In June 2024, Madsen facilitated a geological listening session at the old mine area "Blå Lagunen" in Gällivare / Malmberget (SE/Sabme) for the local community (thanks to researcher Karin Reisinger for organizing this event). On this trip, Madsen additionally did field-recordings for their doctoral research near the working mine. It's now midsummer but still a lot to do, below are listed some of the future activities:

July 8-10, The 16th Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference in Delft (NL) where Madsen present  their paper "The potential of failure and the paradox of the false" - Book of abstracts can be found here:

August 15th, at Nordic Culture Point, Kaisaniemi, Helsinki (FI), Madsen will do the performance textual repetition.

August 19th, Madsen present their paper "A vibrational difference of environmental mourning" at the panel Transdisciplinary Arts Beyond History: Artistic Practices as Laboratories for Rehearsing Grief and Co-existence in a Postnatural World (convened by Erich Berger & Marietta Radomska) as part of The World Congress of Environmental History, in Oulu (FI):

In September Madsen will have a solo installation at artist run gallery Oksasenkatu 11 in Helsinki (FI), titled "[proximity] sensing in, sensing out" (kindly supported by The Danish Arts Foundation's Committee for Visual Arts). The installation includes guest artist facilitators (a detailed program will be released later).

Additionally, on September 24th, Madsen will do their last preexamined component for their doctoral thesis, a performance which takes place on a rock formation in Pasila, Helsinki (watch this space for more info).

Image is from "Blå Lagunen" in Gällivare / Malmberget (SE) where the geological listening session took place.

Photo by Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen

Lithic Listening Walk

Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen facilitates a geologically informed listening session at Kitchen Lab Tarvo event on Sunday May 26th 2024.

Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen's listening sessions depart in Madsen's extensive work with listening as a part of their artistic practice and as a certified facilitator of Deep Listening from The Center for Deep Listening, founded by composer Pauline Oliveros.

The listening walk on Tarvo will thus activate tools from this way of working with both physical and aural listening, here extended through Madsen's artistic research in environmental affective relations, proposing an approach to multisensory listening with a specific geological departure-point which activates and considers lithic infrastructures around us.

The session takes place from 14.00-15.30 and is open for everyone regardless of age but will be conducted in English. Note the walk starts from Kitchen Lab Tarvo [See info below].



Villa Tarvo, Ritokallionpolku 8, 00330 Helsinki

If you have never visited before, please follow the public light traffic path-way that follows along the south-side of the expressway, turning left to walk up in the small hill, turning left at the top of the hill.

NB: Do not use the private path that leads past the red-roof-topped Villa.

Kitchen Lab Tarvo is in the front-facing room of the dark-grey-roof-topped Villa.

The door is the one facing you first, with porch, and has black Tarvo-heart shape in the door window.

[If you choose to take a taxi/Uber ride, suggest they drop you off at Gallen-Kalla museo car park, Espoo side of Tarvo, or Ridenjoy Wakeboard park on Helsinki side of Tarvo, which is Ritokallionpolku 3, then ask them to drive a little further, or walk the remaining distance].

Accessibility: Villa Tarvo (which hosts Kitchen Lab Tarvo) is 1.9 km from nearest buses & Tram #4. There are Helsinki City Bikes stands in Munkkiniemi (nearest ‘Laajalahden aukio’) and at Tavaspää, Espoo (‘Gallen-Kallela Museo’). Unfortunately Tarvo is not an universality accessible place. There is a 20-25 degree de/in-clining slope to reach and leave the villa. The entrance to the kitchen lab indoors has 7 steps (width 130cm), and a small entrance lobby of 90cm x 90cm, The terrace has 4 steps on side, but is better accessible one side with only 1 half-step.

Kitchen Lab Tarvo:

Image credit:

Malte Steiner, taken at Kulturhus Björkboda as a part of Tina Mariane Krogh Madens solo exhibition, (being) a multiplicity, 2023.